Saturday, February 29, 2020

Ziba Hardee in 1830 Census

Ziba Hardee in the 1830 U.S. Federal Census

In 1830 only the head of household was listed in the census. Ziba is listed on the 1830 US census as Ziba Hardy living in Monroe County, Alabama. The rest of the family is listed as tick marks.

One male under 5; One male 5-9; one male 10-14; one male 30-39; two females under 5; one female 5-9; one female 15-19. Two slaves were also listed, one male, one female.
I believe the males were James E., John, Joel and Ziba. The three younger females are unknown - hence the reason I believe they had three unknown daughters from his first wife Peggy. The last female is Ziba's second wife Tabitha Brooks, who was much younger than Ziba.

No marriage record has been found for Ziba and Tabitha. Some people list a marriage record for them with a date of 1834 but this is the marriage of Ziba's son John who was born in 1816 and he married Sabbetha Brooks in 1834.

Ziba and Tabitha's first child, James E. Hardee was born about 1825 so they were likely married prior to that.
Below is his name as it is listed in the 1830 census.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Ziba Hardee marriage to Peggy Mitchell

Ziba Hardee marriage to Peggy Mitchell

Ziba Hardee was married twice. He was first married to Peggy Mitchell in Baldwin County, Georgia on February 6, 1813. Below is their marriage record recorded in Baldwin-Marriages, Book, 1806-1842, page 321.

TRANSCRIPTION: Georgia, Baldwin County
To any Judge, Justice of the Inferior Court, Justice of the Peace or Minister of the Gospel- You or either of you, are hereby authorized to join in Holy Mate of Matrimony John Hardee and Peggy Mitchell of this county, and for your so doing this shall be your sufficient License. Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of February 1813.
[signed] Abner Locke for
[signed] A. B. Fannin, Clk seal
Georgia Baldwin County - I certify that the within named persons, were duly solemnized in the Holy bonds of wedlock by me this 6th day of February 1813.
James Jackson J.P.

[His name is listed as John Hardee and it is assumed this is Ziba Hardee. This is the only record I have found so far that lists his name as John.]

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Photo of Ziba and Tabitha Hardee and son James Hardee


This is the only know photo of Ziba and Tabitha Brooks Hardee. Date unknown. Ziba and Tabitha Hardee are my 3rd Great Grandparents.